
Monday 6 December 2010

Have a 'mice' birthday

I've added lots of floral embellishments to this card because of the flowers tumbling from the balloon in the image.  I've coloured this with my Promakers and twinkling H2O paints to give it some sparkle and added some white gel pen to highlight the balloon.  I've added a pink ribbon and bow, pink flowers and pink liquid pearls. 

I've used inspiration from the following:
Happy crafting


  1. So lovely card, beautiful Laura Ashley paper panel in the middle with gold details.

    Thanks for sharing this with us
    at Penny Black @ Allsorts Challenge
    this month and good luck;-))m

  2. Hi Netty

    Another super entrty, thank you for joining in at Penny Black at Allsorts Callenge a second time this month and good luck.

    B x

  3. Hi Netty

    What a refreshing change not to be seeing a Christmas card .. ..

    Your card is lovely and you have used your image really well. Great layout too.

    Thank you for sharing with Penny Black at Allsorts this month.

    Love Jules xx

  4. Lovely card with a gorgeous flower theme!

    Thanks for joining us at Penny Black @ Allsorts, hope to see you soon again.


  5. I love this cute little Mouse Netty. Pretty colour co-ordination and great layout.
    Thank you for joining us this week at Penny Black at Allsorts and we hope you will join us next time.


  6. So so cute!! Love that image, and what a fabulous layout!
    Thank you so much for playing along at penny black at all sorts!

  7. beatuful card great image and i love the flowers...x

    Thanks for joining us at Penny black at allsorts this month hugs kirsten...x


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