
Friday 11 May 2012

Guest Bar-Tender and a Freebie

Woohoo, I got selected by Raise the Bar Challenge last week to join them as one of their guest "bar tenders" this week.  I'm so proud to have been selected.

The theme this week is Mother's Day.  For all my UK blogging pals, I know we celebrated Mother's day back in March, but it is celebrated on 13 May over in the US, so we get to create some girlie cards again.  Since I think you can never have too much pink, I'm happy to play along.  However, I cheated a little, because I made my sentiment say 'Special Mother' so it could be used for a birthday card for a mum too!!

The sentiment is a new freebie (see below).

I saw this pink and brown colour scheme used a few days ago and decided to give it a go 'cos I thought it looked gorgeous.  The thin brown ribbon is actually cut out of a brown jumper (you know those annoying little ribbons they put inside the shoulders to supposedly help to hang it neatly on a hanger in the wardrobe, but all they end up doing is poking out from the neckline when you're wearing the top!!). Well, I can't stand them when they do that, so out come the scissors, and voilà !

This card is available to buy on my eBay listings


Card Recipe:

    As promised above, here is my Sentiment freebie that I've used above.  You're free to download it if you like it; click on the image for a larger version, then right click and 'save picture as' to save to your own computer. 

    My conditions are as follows:
    1. Please become a follower, then you will see more freebies as they are posted,
    2. Please leave a comment on this post to let me know you've downloaded it, and
    3. Please don't share my freebies directly with other people, but please send them over to collect it themselves.
    I also adore seeing your creations using my digi sentiments, so I'd really love you to send me an email with links to your creations so I can pop over for a peek!

    I've been inspired by:
    Happy Crafting


    1. Thank you for the freebie and your card is adorable!

    2. This is stunning,love the beautifully coloured image.Thanks for the

    3. your card is so cute ... love it. thank you for the cool freebie!

      hugs, becky

    4. zhi Annette
      As always you did an Amazing creation!... Thanks for sharing a new free.. I'm fan of your sentiment .

    5. What a great freebie and thank you so much Annette. Really love your card. Such a good coloring. Hugs! Mojca

    6. so cute - love the colours thanks for playing along at creative craft challenges this week hugs Judith x

    7. This is just adorable! I love the image& all the pink!
      Thanks for playing at The Crafty Pad this week in our We're Girly Girls (Use Pink & Bling Challenge this week.)

    8. adorable image and great colouring!
      thank you for joining in the challenge at the crafty pad this week x
      Debbi x

    9. Anonymous13 May, 2012

      so pretty Annette and so kind to give another freebie as well!
      hugs me xx

    10. Super Cute Card! Love it!
      Thanks for playing along with us over at Really Reasonable Ribbon!
      And Happy Mother's Day!

    11. Gorgeous colouring and such pretty papers and layout! :)



    12. That's fab!

      Thanks for playing along at Creative Craft Challenges.

      Susan x

    13. This is gorgeous! Love the die cut shape for the image! Thank you so much for joining us at Lili's Little Fairies!


    14. So sweet! Another cute image. Thanks for the sentiment, i will download it soon when i am on the pc! (I am on my ipad

    15. Gorgeous card and thank you very much for the freebie.
      Michaela xx

    16. Really lovely sentiment. Thanks!


    I'd be delighted if you would leave a message to let me know you've been here. Please read my "Policies" page when commenting or otherwise leaving a link to your own profile ... Annette xx