
Tuesday 23 October 2012

Halloween Pouches

This fortnight's challenge at Top Tip Tuesday is Halloween and I've made a couple more Trick or Treat pouches.

These are so easy to make and the kids really seem to like them.  They are created almost entirely digitally, with the gingham ribbon, paper and image all layered digitally before printing.  Then all I needed to do was colour, cut, fold and decorate with a few pearls, stickles and a small rustic bow.

It makes them easy to produce lots of them in time for Halloween.

Here are today's pouches, along with the other 2 that I made last week.

See my cards available to buy on eBay

We're sponsored this week by Stamp & Create and Sew Sweet.

Project Recipe:
Please pop on over to the Top Tip Tuesday Challenge Blog to see the other creations by the talented design team, and to enter our challenge.  I look forward to seeing your creations this week.

I've been inspired by:
Happy crafting.


  1. wow.. i´m speachless.. looks sooo fantastic.. ♥♥♥

    Hugs, Katrin

  2. This looks abslutely brilliant Annette. Love the design with the scenery and those pouches are amazing. I was inspired by you to do some of those myself. Thanks for inspiring me. Hugs Bettina xx

  3. Waw they look so great. but I don't get it, did you print the image on the images on the violet papers?! Or you printed them on white and cute them out and glued them on the violet paper? the image are soooo pretty. Hugs! Mojca

  4. Mojca, they are created digitally. In other words I digitally layer the PNG file (the image digi with a transparent background) for the bears on top of the purple digi paper. The purple shows through the background of the bear image, but the bear is white so he 'covers' up the purple digi paper where he stands. Then I print out, and colour him in with my copics. Check this linky out for more details, although in the example here I used a JPG digi image for the girlie rather than a PNG file so there is a background of white rectangle around her, but there is not around Barry the bear. See this post

  5. I love how you have created these pouches. They are so cute. Elaine

  6. Fab Halloween project thanks for sharing it with us @ Stampin for the weekend & good luck x
    ((hugs)) Suzie xoxo

  7. These are so cute! What a fun, quick way (digitally) to create adorable treat pouches!
    Cheryl First
    aka Cafexpressions

  8. OMGoodness Annette, these pouches are adorable. Super cute images.
    Thanks for joining us at Fashionista. hugs,

  9. I LOVE IT !!!!!!
    Such cute pillow boxes - wow
    Many thanks for joining us at Sweet Stampin this week
    Doreen xx

  10. Annette you are so creative love these pockets so perfect for Halloween....can just imagine them full of goodies yum! Hugs me xxx

  11. These are gorgeous Annette, soooo cute!

    Thank you for joining the spooky fun at Sweet Stampin this week, Wedgie xxx

  12. And the prize for the most creative and time saving woman goes to....YOU!!
    These are adorable Annette. I love that you used the layering on the gosh...BRILLIANT woman you are. They turned out fantastic. :)

  13. These are SOOOOOOOO cute!!!!!! LOVE them!!! AND Barry too of course!!!!

  14. These are fab Annette! I'll come Trick or Treating at your house if I get one of these! Thanks for joining the challenge at Forever Friends, Lisa (DT) x

  15. These are fab.

    Thanks for joining in at Sweet Stampin' this week.

    Susan x

  16. Such cute treat boxes (love pouch shapes!), and I can't believe you got it all done digitally - amazing!
    Alison x


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