
Saturday 27 October 2012

Nativity Play

Today's card uses a sweet image from The Stamp Basket.  And yes, it is another Christmas card.  But it is nearly November, so Christmas is only 8 weeks away.  (Considering I was making Christmas cards in January, I'm not entirely sure that excuse works, but I'm sticking to it!)

I've been practising again with my painting using distress re-inkers, and I managed to completely mess up the first attempt. So I tried again.  But because I'd already cut and embossed my image, I decided to cut out the second image and decoupage it over the first ruined one.  I took the photo at an angle so you can just see the offset layers.

I really struggle blending the red inks (which is rather a problem if you're using traditional colours for a Christmas card).  If anyone has any tips I'd love to hear them.  I've watched loads of videos on painting with distress inks, and I really love the therapeutic nature of painting rather than the quick and easy option of copics, but when I'm in trouble with my paints, my copics are just calling out to me 'use us, use us'.  It's so easy to be weak and give in.

Anyhoo, back to the card, when I was happy(ish) with my colouring, I put together my card.  OMG this new flourish die is just amazing.  I LOVE IT.  I loved the corner bow but this one is fantastic too.  I'm getting so many dies that I will have nowhere to put them soon!!!

I also love these adorable Kaisercraft papers, especially the one I've used on the top half.  They're so romantic and pretty.

See my cards available to buy on eBay


All items are from The Stamp Basket as follows:

Pop over to The Stamp Basket to see the lovely array of products on offer.

I've been inspired by:
Happy crafting.


  1. Gorgeous design and details, and that image is so cute! I think your DI colouring looks great hun :o) Hugs, Lisa x

  2. Pretty sweet. I like this.


  3. Oh what memories this brought back. I did that play too and I looked just as cute. I was the little sheep on the right..LOL!
    This is TERRIFIC Annette :)

  4. wow love this card so cute too ....superb have a great day hugs sassyxxxxxxxx

  5. Beautiful card, and very cute image. love it. xx

  6. Waw really pretty. I love your coloring, and I know, I have troubles with the Distress markers as well, sorry don't have any useful tips :( I know only that they all say that you really have to wait that the surface is dry. I hope I helped a little. Hugs Mojca

  7. Hi Annette
    Love the cute image, coloring too.
    Fabulous creation as always.
    Great JOB!
    Hugs, Sony

  8. This is gorgeous Annette. Such a sweet image! Love the colouring and papers. Hugs, Wends xxx

  9. Netty, you can make a Christmas card every day, as far as I'm concerned...heehee....can't get enough of 'em, especially when they come as cute as this! Don't know what you're frettin' about....that colouring looks pretty amazing to me, and have to agree about the simply gorgeous paper...and that die! My Christmas wish list is already 14 feet long...hahaa!

  10. Hi Annette, Well I think your colouring looks pretty fab to me with your distress re-inkers and the image is so beautiful for Christmas... I love the traditional papers too:) Not sure if it helps, but if I use a water-based medium, I find a card/heavy paper for watercolours with a rougher "tooth" really helps. I find if I use smoother card, water based ink just sits on the surface for me. Big Hugs, Teresa xx

  11. Very sweet! Love the holly die you used.


  12. Absolutely love the shape you've used here Annette. Beautiful colouring and love the leaves too. Hugs Bettina xx

  13. such a lovely image! And thank you so much for playing along with us at Stampin for the Weekend, good luck in the challenge.


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