
Wednesday 10 October 2012

Spooky Pouches

StampFairy are sponsoring I Love Promarkers today, and the theme is Halloween.  I'm not a big fan of Halloween cards because we just don't send them, so I've made some little pouches to fill with treats to hand out to the ghosts and ghouls that arrive on our doorstep on Halloween night.  I've used Barry Spooky Bats and Barry Halloween for my images.

I wanted to be able to 'mass produce' these as we do usually have quite a few witches and ghosts visit us on Halloween, so I've created them digitally, including the gingham ribbon, then printed and coloured them in, and added only a couple of embellishments in a string bow, some pearls and some stickles around the edge of the pouch.  The bats on the ghostie version were also cut out and stuck on, but really only because I had them 'spare' from another project.

See my cards available to buy on eBay

Project Recipe:

I've been inspired by:
Happy crafting.


  1. Love these little pouches Annette. Wonderful digital layering of your images ... must give that a try!
    Helen x

  2. These are just so cute youve made a fab job of them . Aud x

  3. Hi Annette....

    Fabbie pouches.... scarey images.. poor Barry clinging to his tree!! LOL

    Christine x

  4. HAha!! Great Job Annette these are just to cute to spook! love them xx

  5. Oh I love your coloring ant the little Barry is so cute in hit little sheet. hugs! mojca

  6. These are adorable Annette, love your Spooky cuties and your fab colouring.
    crafty hugs

  7. Oh they're fab Annette! Sooo cute and your colouring looks gorgeous :o) Hugs, Lisa x

  8. I love the idea of putting your treats into little gift boxes and these little gift boxes are a treat in themselves.

    Thank you for sharing your work with all of us at Crafty Boots Challenges.


  9. Oh wow theae are fabulous! Love the great purple paper. I think I have to visit you for some trick or treating. ;)


  10. Love these fab pillow boxes. Your colouring looks absolutely superb and such a lovely idea. Hugs Bettina xx


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