
Tuesday 25 December 2012


Merry Christmas Everyone

Just a quickie post today to wish you Merry Christmas, remind you we're in week 2 of our 3 week "Anything Christmas Goes" challenge at Top Tip Tuesday, and while I'm here, to share the card I made for my hubby using lots of goodies from The Stamp Basket.  

I'm sure hubby will say that it's not masculine enough, but I stayed off the flowers and pink so in my mind this is as masculine as I get.

So whether he likes it or not, this is his card!

At Top Tip Tuesday we're also sharing our New Year's Resolutions.

Here are mine ...

Crafting Resolutions :

  1. Do more stitching on my cards, cos I love how it looks when I do make the effort
  2. Paint with my Distress Inks rather than taking the lazy option of copics
  3. Improve my colouring techniques and use more 'white space' (see Claudia, Dena, Nixe-Moni, Gretha and Elise for my colouring inspiration) because I feel that I'd receive a 'must try harder' badge if my colouring was being marked by a craft teacher!!!
  4. Improve my motivation for masculine cards
Non-Crafting Resolutions :
  1. Lose weight & do more exercise (as usual)
  2. Try to work a tad closer to the 37hrs per week that I'm paid for, rather than then 55-60hrs that I inevitably end up working (leaving more time for crafting!).
  3. Go to bed earlier so that I'm not as grumpy when it's time to get up.

Have a lovely day everyone.

Card Recipe:
I've been inspired by:
Happy crafting.


  1. Hi Annette,
    fab card as usual
    and i wish you a merry christmas!

  2. Oh your colouring is stunning Annette. And a marry christmas to you too. hugs! Mojca

  3. Fabulous card Annette - your colouring is wonderful!
    Just popped by to say Merry Christmas, and to say thank you for the cute little stamp you sent me - so sweet of you! :0)
    Helen x

  4. Oh Annette! How could your hubby NOT like this?!! He'll LOVE it!! This is absolutely GORGEOUS with such STUNNING colouring!!! Beyond Beautiful!!!

    Merry Christmas and Big Hugs,

  5. Such a sweet card, and an adorable image. Thanks for joining Penny Black & More @ Allsorts challenge. Good Luck.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  6. This is gorgeous Annette. I love the sweet image, your colouring is so beautiful and the detailing is fabulous

    Thank you for taking part in the Sketch 'n' Stash Challenge

  7. Beautiful. Thanks for joining us at BunnyZoe.
    Hugs Tracy

  8. a lovely card! beautifully coloured and i love the patterned papers and colours - i think it's a perfect masculine card.

  9. Such a sweet image and Annette and really pretty Christmas card.

    Thanks so much sharing with us at Penny Black and More challenge this month.

    Wishing you a Happy New Year.

    B x

  10. Annette, such a gorgeous card hunny! Thanks for popping by my blog the other day and your lovely wishes. We're leaving the UK mid January, so it's all go now. I'll pop in when I can, but won't do any new posts for a while. Thanks for all the beautiful cards you've made that I've managed to snap up! I've had such great joy giving them over the year. Your sentiment designs are fabulous to use and I'm constantly inspired by your wonderful card designs on your blog. I hope you've had a fab Christmas and wish you a wonderful New Year. Fingers crossed we both succeed with at least a couple of our New Years resolutions!! Huge hugs, Wends xxxx

  11. Hope you had a wonderful christmas Netty! :)

    Love your cute card, Im sure hubby loved it - mine usually gets whats left over! LOL! :D

    I think your colouring is lovely, but I know what you mean - I am not a confident colourer (sometimes colouring my image totally hinders me and a prepped card can sit on my desk for a couple of days). I think more practise gives more confidence, so I think thats what I will concentrate on too next year ;)

    Thanks so much for joining us at Sweet Stampin this week,



  12. Hi hunny! this card is so lovely that image is just so cute and LOVE the snowflake die and the lush ribbon too & hugs from me xx

  13. Such a lovely card. Gorgeous papers.

    Loved reading your new years resolutions. I think mine should be the same together with commenting more often on other blogs and blogging more. :)



I'd be delighted if you would leave a message to let me know you've been here. Please read my "Policies" page when commenting or otherwise leaving a link to your own profile ... Annette xx