
Sunday 9 December 2012

Elf Maya and Kitty Writing Santa's List

Well, I finally got all my international Christmas mail (and half of the UK stuff) packaged up yesterday morning, and struggled to the post office with a carrier bag full of parcels.  Luckily (for me) there was absolutely no queue (yippee).  I apologised to the cashier in advance, and then emptied out my haul of parcels onto her counter.  15 minutes later there was a 'small' queue gathering behind me, but she got them all weighed and stamped, and so I handed over a small fortune and thanked her (again) for her patience with all my items.  Thankfully (although I'd not checked beforehand) the last posting day for international mail is Monday, so I'd just got it done in time.  Phew!  So, I'm sorry to anyone who was behind me in the queue at the Post Office yesterday, although the only person who actually looked fed up was my hubby, who was huffing and puffing and looking at his watch constantly (until he found the magazine shelf which then kept him occupied until I'd finished).

Ok, for those of you who visited my blog yesterday, I promised a real cutie today, and I hope you won't be disappointed.   I think I have to say that this card is one of my favourites this year.  The image is Elf Maya & Kitty writing Santa's List from The Stamp Basket.  I'm not sure whether it is the pretty papers, cute image, rich chocolatey colours (they are chocolate brown not black by the way), simple layout, fab dies or just that the whole card seems to encompass everything that is my style.

Oh dear, I really sound like I'm blowing my own trumpet here, but this was just one of those cards that I looked at when I'd finished and I thought "I'd like to keep this one"!  Instead I'm going to give this one to one of my blogging friends in the hope she'll like it too.

Hopefully you all know what I'm trying to say, and I hope you have had more of those types of cards than I seem to have had, as opposed to my mojo going AWOL whenever I sit down to craft.

Anyhoo, before I drivel on and bore you silly (too late, huh!) here's my card ...

See my cards available to buy on eBay


All items are from The Stamp Basket as follows:

Pop over to The Stamp Basket to see the lovely array of products on offer.

I've been inspired by:
Happy crafting.


  1. Oooh this is gorgeous Annette.. lovin the dies you've used and the fab image which you've coloured so well. Just been catching up on your other creations.... all gorgeous!

    Thanks for the reminder about International Mail... i MUST make my daughter's card today and get it posted tomorrow!!

    Christine x

  2. I totally understand why you want to keep it it is absolutely gorgeous. Hugs! Mojca

  3. I totally understand why you want to keep it it is absolutely gorgeous. Hugs! Mojca

  4. Another gorgeous card. Thanks for taking part at I ♥ Promarkers again this week.

  5. You are certainly parting with a most wonderful creation Annette. The bg papers are wonderfully subtle and the separation with the ribbon and the accent color of dies and the GORGEOUS coloring on the image...knock out card my friend! I think you should take a bow and toot that horn all you want. It's BEAUTIFUL. :)
    Lisa xx

  6. Such a charming image, I just love it. Beautifully embellished too. Thanks for joining us at I Love Promarkers xx

  7. I'd be putting this in a frame, just for me, so can fully understand why you'd want to hang onto it...hahaa! Lovely dies, and the sweet image is coloured beautifully, as always.
    Well. looks like my USA, Germany and Oz packages aren't gonna get there on time.....I hadn't realised the date.....aaarrrggghhh!

  8. Another gorgeous card Annette! Thanks for joining the PTW challenge this week :)

  9. Such a beautiful card. Wonderful colouring too. Thanks for the reminders out mailing dates, I really must get my cards done by tomorrow.

  10. Oh what a gorgeous card Annette and love the sweet image.

  11. What a fab card, thanx for joining us at WOJ, stunning colouring ! HUgs, Marion

  12. Pretty sweet. I love this.


  13. Lovely card Annette. Just love that image it's so cute.

    Thanks for joining us at Sweet Stampin' this week.


  14. Hey Netty Merry Christmas and a great 2013.
    What a super cute card love the image & layout, thank you for joining us at OSCC. Janet

    When you going to do a tutorial for those circles (they have been driving me mad).

  15. Awww such a sweet card. These Maya images are so adorable.


  16. Too cute! I love Your dies!

  17. Gorgeous card, Annette - love your colouring and all the fab die cuts! Thanks for joining in our Snow Challenge at Whiff of Joy Challenges, Juliexx


I'd be delighted if you would leave a message to let me know you've been here. Please read my "Policies" page when commenting or otherwise leaving a link to your own profile ... Annette xx