
Monday 26 August 2013

Getting cross with a criss-cross card

Considering the simplicity of the final design, this card was re-jigged several times.  I started off trying to make a diagonal joy-fold card, but only realised why I've not seen them anywhere else when I'd finished it, because it didn't work!  When the left hand fold was opened for the card to stand up, the inner folded square had to be so far open that you couldn't see the image very well.  So I had a rethink, and decided to make a criss-cross card instead, having to add the additional right-hand diagonal fold and cover up the square inside where I'd had to prise off my insert.

Hmmm, it's not ended up too bad, but at one point it nearly went in the bin!

See my cards available to buy on eBay


Card Recipe:
I've been inspired by:
Happy crafting.


  1. what a fabulous Rudolph and a great card, thank you for joining us at the Winter Wonderland
    Hugs Kate xx

  2. It was worth it in the end Annette...a great card and Sammy is adorable!! Have a good BH Monday xx

  3. This is simply gorgeous, thanks for playing at Charisma! Just so you know this would also fit this weeks challenge at Creative Inspirations :) xxx

  4. Love this fabulous little rudolph Annette... and your colouring is fabulous as always!!! Watch out tomorrow for my first venture into DI colouring... but hopefully, I'll get better!! LOL!

    Christine x

  5. All's well that ends well Annette...gorgeous image and the fold is really fabulous.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  6. I'm glad you rescued your lovely card from the bin, Annette, it's so cute.
    hugs Dorte

  7. So glad you sorted out the design as the finished card is gorgeous, fab Rudolph. Thanks for playing at WW

  8. I'm exhausted just reading about your I'm glad you overcame the angles and this cutie was spared the circular recycle bin. I think it's wonderful and the coloring is spot on!

  9. Oh goodness! What a CUTIE!!!!

    Deanne :)

  10. Oh that reindeer is so cute! Fab design (in the end lol!) and love the papers, I bought that pack while we were away :o) Hugs, Lisa x

  11. Gorgeous card and the image is so cute, thanks for joining us at Charisma this week, xxx

  12. Will you share how to make this style of card? I really like it. Your card is so gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. Edwina Brown

  13. Wow I love it! The way it opens and the pretty papers. Sometimes we have to mess up things to get some good results at the and I always say :))) Hugs! Mojca

  14. A lovely card Anette. Love the unique design. What an adorable image that is. Thanks for joining in the fun at TG this week, hugs Sharon

  15. See, this is why I love those little thumbnails under a post, I get to see stuff I would have missed because you sneak them in without me knowing. I love this - it was definitely worth the trouble it caused because it is gorrrrrrrrgeousness. Super cute and stunningly coloured image, and I love the soft tones of the papers. Must have another go at making me one of these over the holidays. Hugs xx


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