
Saturday 17 August 2013

Hanging Gifts

Yup, I'm still in Christmas mode at the moment, but today I've used some gorgeous papers which are not really festive, but look kind of 'frosty'!  The beautiful aqua papers are from The Stamp Basket and the are so pretty it seemed such a tragedy to cover them up with 'stuff'!

I kept all the embellies either white or pale blue so they continued the frosty theme, and liberally sprinkled glitter in the snowy areas, as well as some pretty lace and pearls.

I really like this colour scheme for Christmas, and it makes a nice change from traditional reds and greens.

See my cards available to buy on eBay


Card Recipe:
I've been inspired by:
Happy crafting


  1. The colour scheme is beautiful Annette. I love the way the lace echoes the frosting of glitter and I hope there are carrots in those parcels or the bunnies are going to be sooo disappointed!! Have a lovely weekend xx

  2. Wow - this is just stunning!

    Sharon x

  3. I too love this colour combo for winter/Christmas cards. Lovely image and beautifully coloured, Just love it all, Kate x

  4. So beautiful! Love this colour scheme and your wonderful wintery design. hugs, xx

  5. Beautiful card, love the ornate snowflake and the added glitter for the snow. Lovely image and design too. Thanks so much for joining in the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Tracy x

  6. Oh wow, this is jaw dropping gorgeous. Love the lace trimming.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  7. What a gorgeous card Annette. hugs! MOjca

  8. So pretty Annette and so beautifully coloured too! hugs me x

  9. Hi Netty, I absolutely love this card. It is so beautiful. I love this image so much. Thanks for sharing. Edwina Brown

  10. this is such a cute card, I love the image and blue & white Christmas cards have to be my favourite. I love following your blog!

  11. ooooh another stunner netty, I love this one too!
    thank you so much for playing along with us over on the PFP challenge blog
    hugs Lou xx

  12. Beautifully coloured image, fabulous embellishments a great card.

    Sylv xx

  13. A delightful winters garden scene Netty.

    Thanks so much for sharing your lovely work with us at Penny Black and More challenge.

    B x

  14. Fabulous card, Annette! Great colour combo and beautifully coloured! Thanks for joining us at Passion for Promarkers this week, Juliexx

  15. this is a beautiful christmas card! i love all the blues, the die cuts and the oh so sweet image. thank you so much for playing along with us this month at the penny black and more challenge.


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