
Friday 11 April 2014

Bella, Bella!

I'm really loving these beautiful papers from Wild Rose Studio and today have teamed them up with one of their older images of Bella the heffalump!

I've also used some of the new Wild Rose Studio dies, but am not sure about the bright yellow I've used.  I wanted it to look spring-like but wish I'd toned the brightness down a bit now.

Brace yourself ... I hope you're wearing your sun glasses!

Card Recipe, featuring items from The Stamp Basket:
I've been inspired by:
Happy crafting


  1. Corr blimey hun, that lemon is ZINGY!! Hello sweet Bella, loving you with the peach tones. Such a pretty citrus zesty card missus! Hugs xx

  2. Just so cute what delightful papers and great colours gorgeous card Love and Happy Crafting Hugs Carole x

  3. This is spring on a card!! You sure can't miss those beautiful die cuts!! Hope you are having fun!! xx

  4. I put my sunglasses on just in case! And Pow!! very limey!! Hee Hee!! Very cute card. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  5. I put my sunglasses on too!! I see what you mean about the yellow being bright... more like a fluorescent green!! LOL! But I'm sure it's slightly different in real life and tones better... the camera can play dirty tricks! LOVING this little cutie image and gorgeous card design of course..

    Christine x

  6. Ooh that is a bit zingy! Gorgeous card, love Bella, she's so sweet. It was really lovely to meet you today hun :o) Hugs, Lisa x

  7. Gorgeous card Annette, I like the adorable image and the colours.
    Kevin xx

  8. So this cute image and fabulous colouring Annette...gorgeous card.

    luv CHRISSYxx


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