
Tuesday 1 April 2014

Mission Impossible

I'm on a mission to use some of the images which have never seen ink, before I indulge in any new ones.

I already know that I'm doomed to fail, but it makes me feel better to think that I might use a small fraction of my growing pile that haven't yet seen the light of day since they arrived on the doormat.

Today's theme at Top Tip Tuesday is 'cute' and this little sweetie from LOTV seemed to fit the bill perfectly, especially as I've not used it yet.

I've used LOTV papers, but they're actually scraps that were left over from other makes, so it's a thrifty card too.  They're such pretty papers though, that I'm not going to let any go to waste.

I've watercoloured the image with DI reinkers, and added a touch of shimmer with Stardust gel pens and some glossy accents on the stars.

Card Recipe:
I've been inspired by:
Happy crafting


  1. This is lovely Annette. An adorable bunny, papers and a gorgeous double bow too!! It won't surprise you to know that I have the same problem only my theory one up then get another!! It also keeps the postman in a job, therefore, great for the economy all round!! xx

  2. Oooh you have a pile like that too? Aren't we naughty crafters!! This little bunny is adorable, and I don't think I've seen him before.. love the frame around him which I take it is part of the stamp.. and also the scraps of paper you've used for the card.. so you're right, a really thrifty card!! LOL

    Love yesterday's Christmas creation too... but didn't get around to doing my commenting yesterday.

    Big hugs
    Christine x

  3. LOL, I think you need a medal at least for the intent hunny. I would fail at the first hurdle. Loving this little wabbit, your DI colouring is ace! Gorgeous pretty papers. Love it. What more can I say! Hugs xx

  4. An adorable image and beautiful papers. Great card. Elaine

  5. oh the sweetest image ever and what lovely papers! Hugs! Mojca

  6. A very cute image and love your colouring Annette. Going to look at more LOTV papers at Ally Pally in a couple of weeks. Like you ,I have loads of unused stamps. I blame it on 24 hours in a day are not enough! Hugs, Carol S.xx

  7. Totally gorgeous!
    I do love this image, so cute!
    And yes, those papers are too pretty not to use. As for your mission, you are definitely doomed to fail! There's always some new image that just NEEDS to be bought!
    Good luck!

    Big hugs
    Elaine xxx

  8. Love your style - always great papers and beautifully colored images. =) As for the growing stash... last year I bought stamps to make myself feel like there was hope that when the rough patch ended, I would have time to play. I won't admit except under oath how many that ended up being! My real theory though is to buy while I can afford it. If the US economy goes south, at least I'll have enough supplies to carry on crafting! LOL

  9. oh wow... I am so happy I found your blog and beautiful work. It's so soft and delicate and I've enjoyed my browse through very much!

  10. Fabulous card loving this LOTV image and like others don't think I've spotted it before no doubt one for that ever growing wish list as if I didn't have enough!! A gorgeous card and design Love and Happy Crafting Carole x

  11. This image really is super cute and perfect with the pretty DP and that lovely stitching :-)
    I am trying to do the same with my stamps but know in my heart it's not a fight I will win - lol! Not when LOTV keep bringing out such lovely new images as well!
    Thanks for having me along at TTT this time as well and it was lovely to come and play with you all :-)
    Big hugs, Kat x

  12. So adorable! Great job coloring the sweet image! Thanks for joining along with Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!

  13. Annette I would not be able to resist this bunny either its so darling! LOVE how you used her! hugs me xx

  14. I think I should join you in your mission. Love this very sweet card. The image is totally adorable and your coloring is really amazing.



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