
Saturday 26 September 2015

Lazy Afternoon

Today's card is for my FIL, whose birthday is today.  He's been in hospital lately so I'm hoping that this watercoloured card will cheer him up a bit. The image from Lili of the Valley is one that I've not used for a little while so it was good to dig it out again.  I kept the layout simple with the large Happy Birthday die. Ironically the papers I chose to match the image are from the Country Lady pad!

Card Recipe:
Happy crafting


  1. Perfect for a gent Annette xx

  2. A perfect lazy afternoon depicted here sending best wishes for a great time. Hugs Mrs A.

  3. Nice card, love your watercolouring, very soft and just suits the image down to the ground. What a cutie that image is. Beautiful

  4. I love the way you have coloured the image, the tree almost looks 3D with the shading. Really beautiful!
    Suzanne x

  5. I,m sure he will love it, it is gorgeous, xxx

  6. Hi Annette,

    love this sweet card. Your coloring is amazing and I love that die.


  7. One of my favourite LOTV images and a gorgeous CAS card. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  8. Gorgeous card Anette I think this card will defo cheer him up a little itty bitty LOT!
    its just beautifully coloured hunny.
    hugs me x

  9. Just wonderful and this was one of my first male stamps I bought from LOTV and I still love it your card is perfect and bet your FIL enjoyed this very thoughtful card love and hugs Carole x

  10. It's the perfect male card Annette... and wow, what wonderful colouring! I'm sure your FIL loved this - and I hope he's feeling better now.

    Big hugs
    Christine x

  11. Annette, this is a beautiful card, perfect for a chap. Your colouring is so wonderful and I love that die cut.

  12. Your delicate watercolouring is fabulous and the design is wonderful...including the 'girly' papers, which look so good with this image!

    Big hugs, Kat xx

  13. This is fantastic hun, love that stamp and, as always, your artwork is amazing. FIL should love it. Hugs xx

  14. Wow! Such fab colouring! Recently used this image to make a card...colouring not a patch on yours! Must add to my long 'to do' list of things to improve!


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