
Sunday 6 September 2015


Nacho arrived this week, and I decided to ink him up this yesterday. He was a lot bigger than I'd expected (he's a big lad!) and for some reason I decided to ink him in pale grey and paint him in the no-lines technique.  I think his expression matched mine as I picked up my paintbrush!

Card Recipe:
I've been inspired by:
Happy crafting


  1. He's a big boy!! Love your colouring. Hope he doesn't head for the lamp post!!Lol! Hugs, Carol S.xx

  2. Annette, this is totally adorable. I had my beady eye on Nacho but with my fur issues decided to give him a miss this time. You of course have no such worries. Your no lines colouring is gorgeous and I love your card design.

  3. Evening Annette what a sweet card I love the image and your design is wonderful.

    Debs xxx
    {Debs Cards}

  4. Seriously, there is something utterly hilarious about this dog's expression :-) This has totally cheered me up - you have such a knack for doing that ;-) Completely awesome colouring - beautiful shading. I really love this :-) Mwah. Hugs, Jayne x

  5. What a fantastic card Annette, your beautifully coloured image is just adorable - I love hm!!! Your design and background is fantastic and super details!!

    Heather xx
    Thanks so much for joining us with Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge.

  6. I LOVE that dog image :) So adorable. Great colouring. LOVE it :) Thanks for playing along Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge :)

  7. Ha ha, Nacho is adorable, such a cute expression, and you have coloured him to perfection :-)
    A lovely design too with the fence and lamppost.

    Big hugs, Kat xx

  8. How funny is this card? Simply hilarious and colored so perfectly! Thank you for joining our 'anything goes' challenge at Crafty Catz and please come back on Friday for a brand new theme.
    Anna xxx


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