
Wednesday 14 October 2015

Against my better judgement......

You know those warm glows you get when you make a card that you're REALLY proud of?

When everything goes right.

All the elements just 'gel'.

You've used colours you love.

The papers have inspired you.

You've used a trusted layout that you're comfortable with.

You sit back and look at your finished creation, smile and think to yourself 'yeah, that's a good'un'.

Well, this card is the polar opposite of all of the above!

I have no idea what went wrong, but once it started on its downward spiral, it kept going.

Perhaps even accelerated, gaining momentum as I continued downhill.

So much so that I almost didn't blog this card because I am so disappointed with it.

However, I made it specifically to enter a couple of challenges.

Not that I think I'll do any good with this one, so it's against my better judgement that I've decided to go ahead and blog it anyway.

However, to top it off we've just lost our internet connection as I started to write this post.

I suspect even the World Wide Web is trying to tell me 'it's not worth the effort hun.  Don't bother uploading it. Cut your losses and start again tomorrow.'

But what it forgot is that I'm stubborn (and have mobile tethering).

So here's my card, in all its gory glory!

Sorry everyone, avert your eyes now.

Card Recipe:
For what it's worth, I'm entering the following challenges:
Happy crafting


  1. Annette, you are too hard on yourself. This little cutie is coloured so beautifully and your card is perfect for the image. Enter the challenges knowing it is as good as the rest that are entered, positive energy and thoughts.

  2. I agree totally with Aileen, Bunny Tilda is coloured beautifully and there is nothing wrong with the card other than it doesn't meet your own expectations. Take it from a natural disaster area, this is a perfectly good make! Now wait to win one of those challenges! Hugs to you my crazy girl xx

  3. I echo what the other ladies have said, I think we're all too critical of our own work. This is a bit different for you but it's still lovely and your colouring is amazing.
    Anne xx

  4. have some way to go Annette, before this could ever be classed as a disaster worthy of binning! Just shows how much progress you have made towards that New Year's resolution made some time ago now! Hope you are keeping well! Tried to e-mail you but not sure if I had the right e-mail address. Take care.

  5. I've battled the same feelings about a project before. My bestie and I often discuss the concept that just because it doesn't look like what we envisioned, doesn't mean it is bad! This card is such a prpject. We don't know what you meant meant so we enjoy the card as is. Perfectly lovely! So glad to have found you through Simon Says Stamp's Wednesday Challenge.

  6. Give your glasses a wipe lovely lady...I would be chuffed to create this!! xx

  7. Give your glasses a wipe lovely lady...I would be chuffed to create this!! xx

  8. Stunning card, love the gorgeous coloring. So pretty. Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

  9. Well Annette... you had me in stitches reading your post... so much so that it doesn't matter what your card is like (tho it IS FAB - apart from the Potato Head which I'm never ultra keen on...!) And yes... I know that feeling!

    Now... what is 'mobile tethering' please??

    Christine x

  10. Hello
    I always love your cards, I especially love the way you color your images.

    I like this card, and yet I know how it is when I do something I don't like. So I am wishing you the very best and looking forward to your next card.

    Good luck in the challenges your entered.

  11. OMG! First off, your card is fabulous!! That image is too sweet and your coloring is amazing!! Second, you had me cracking up with your post!! I needed a chuckle today! :) Seriously though, your card is amazing!! So sweet!

    Thank you very much for joining us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog!


  12. Oh dear, it's so frustrating when you can't get a card to 'work' but trust me, this card is much much better than you think. Your colouring is superb for a start and I love the cute gingham papers :-)
    I'm glad you were stubborn enough to post it so I and all your other blogland friends can tell you how lovely it is!

    Big hugs, Kat xx

  13. Awwww Annette! Don't do that! Your card is fabulous, you are a really talented lady and you do make me smile! (I am also my own worst critic and at times I probably need n't be)! Chin up lovely - this is total gorgeousness.

  14. Aww hun, we are our own worst critics! It's a gorgeous card babe. Your colouring alone makes it utterly stellar! I love the colour combo and I think it's truly gorgeous. Hugs, Wends x


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