
Sunday 7 February 2016

Birthday Baggie

It's a friend's birthday next weekend so I've been busy making her a card and gift bag.  I'll share the card in a day or two, but today I've got the gift bag to show you.

I've made a bag-in-a-box with double-sided pink papers and lace for the handles.  I'm planning to wrap her pressies in pink tissue and pop them inside with the tissue peeking out.

I made a scalloped base using a Lawn Fawn stitched die, and made some little reinforcers for the lace handles with the scraps.  The ribbon is a scrap I've had for years, but it seemed to match all the colours of the papers, so it's finally found a home.

Just so that you can see how deep it is, I've taken a pic of the view from the side:

Card Recipe:
I've been inspired by:
Happy crafting


  1. Wow this is gorgeous I love it and I am sure your friend will too. I have some candy on offer x

  2. This is so pretty Annette...lucky friend!! xx

  3. Absolutely gorgeous hun, I love how you do these. That's one very lucky friend! Hugs xx

  4. Annette, This is beautiful, I can't think of words super enough to describe it. Your bag design is gorgeous and the little mouse tag truly exquisite...your friend will be thrilled with this.

  5. gorgeous creation - love the bag design and that sweet image
    Kim x

  6. Love the fab image and design,just

  7. So beautiful. Bet your friend will with smiling ear to ear.

  8. Very pretty gift bag and the tag is stunning. Lucky lady and I am sure she will adore it. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  9. This is so pretty Annette, love everything about it I'm sure your friend will be as thrilled with her bag as the pressie inside it !
    Hugs, Kaz x

  10. Your tag is so sweet! Totally adorable, Annette! Thanks so much for playing Simon Says Stamp Wednesday “Have a Heart” Challenge!

  11. Gorgeous bag Annette, Is this the same size as the one you have made under your tutorials or is it bigger, must have another go at one of these :-)

  12. This is so sweet, and very pretty, xxx

  13. This is so fabulous Annette......... you really do inspire me to try things other than cards... just somehow I keep putting it off! And there's that beautifully coloured little mouse on the tag too....... love it!

    Christine x

  14. So very cute Annette, sweet image and pretty papers,
    hugs Dorte

  15. How creative Annette and so much nicer than a shop bought gift bag :) Great project for our challenge this month.
    Thanks for playing along with us this month at Seven Hills Crafts :)
    Jenny x

  16. This is a gorgeous make! Thanks for joining in the challenge at Crafty Ribbons this time!
    hugs Lynsey x

  17. This is sooooo gorgeous...a present all on it's own with the pretty papers and lace :-)
    Big hugs, Kat xx

  18. This is beautiful and sure your friend will love it !x

  19. This is beautiful and sure your friend will love it !x

  20. Love the bag- so pretty and your colouring is AMAZING! Thanks for joining with the Seven Hills Craft Challenge xx


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