
Saturday 25 February 2017

Mousey Mousey (and an ickle tutorial)

I've used one of the new cute mice images from Lili of the Valley called Three Kind Mice. I've water-coloured him with reinkers and added lots of lovely embellishments from The Ribbon Girl including this gorgeous textured Hessian ribbon.

I've done a mini photo tutorial of how I've coloured some of the flowers to match the colour theme of the card.

I've used plain white lily flowers and coloured the ends of each petal with a Zig Real Brush watercolour pen. I'd just got half way around the final petal before remembering to take a photo, but hopefully you can see what I was doing.  I'd already gone around with a pale pink underneath the lilac to give it a bit of depth so you may be able to see a bit of pink under the lilac if you look closely.

It looked quite 'harsh' so I then dabbed a small wet paintbrush onto the colour to blend it a bit.  When it was dry, this was what it looked like:

I also colour some of the mini rose buds. The one below was coloured pink using the same Zig markers technique as above, but instead of using a paintbrush to blend the colour, this time I dunked the tip of the rosebud into water for a fraction of a second, (literally in and straight out again, even quicker than dunking a digestive biscuit in your cuppa so it doesn't disintegrate and end up as mush at the bottom of your mug!).  The colour blended perfectly into all the detail of the rose bud.  

The photo below was taken just after I'd dunked the pink one, so it's still wet and a bit dark. The white one had not been coloured at this point. Of course, it would have been a better idea to colour them before I'd inter-twined them, but again, I was not thinking logically and only decided to do the tutorial half way through the process!  Next time I'll plan it better! (famous last words!)

Copics can work too, but I find that water colour inks are perfect as the water moves the ink into all the creases of the flower, where you could never get the marker tip to reach.

Card Recipe:

From Lili of the Valley:

From The Ribbon Girl:
From Dies To Die For:
  • Watercoloured with Ranger Distress Ink Reinkers
  • Flowers coloured with Zig Real Brush Waterbased Markers
  • The Langton Watercolour paper
  • Spellbinders Floral Oval Nesties
I've been inspired by:
Happy crafting


  1. Gorgeous card and your colouring of the image is fab. Thanks for the little flower colouring tutorial.
    Deborah A

  2. I love this sweet card, Annette! That little mouse is too sweet, and you've surrounded it with some beautiful embellishments - gorgeous work! Thank you for joining us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge!

  3. Beautiful watercolouring and never thought to add watercolour to flowers, so clever. I just went and looked at the mice, they are so cute.
    If you have time can you tell me if they are png files and what colour did you print him up in. I have been trying to lighten my printing but I am struggling to work out how, especially for jpg files. Yet it is meant to be possible. Thanks in advance.

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE that ickle mouse Annette....... your colouring, as always, is stunning!! I think that image may have to jump into my basket in the not too distant future!

    Thanks also for the tutorial...

    Christine x

  5. This is a beautiful creation! Thanks for playing along at Creative Inspirations this fortnight xxx

  6. Such a darling card Annette, sweet mouse. Love the "dunking" tutorial, I colour ribbon all the time but it's never occurred to me to recolour white flowers...duh!! xx

  7. A gorgeous image and beautifully coloured as always. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  8. This is absolutely gorgeous! Stunning colouring of that cute image and such a beautiful design! Love how good the Lilly looks after you coloured it! I sometimes colour flowers with my promarkers
    Lucy x

  9. Super cute card! This image is really adorable. How clever to colour those flowers the way you did.


  10. Very pretty card, love how you've used the hessian bow. Great tips on colouring the flowers too

    Anne x


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