
Thursday 13 July 2017

Lazy Daisy

I've made this cute card for a young lady who likes ponies using Lazy Daisy.  It's also perfect for today's challenge at As You Like It Challenge where we're asking if you prefer gems or pearls. 

I think it's fairly clear if you look at my previous creations that I opt for pearls on most of my cards and rarely use gems. I love the smooth texture of the pearls and have them in every colour of the rainbow to match whatever card I'm making. 

I hope the recipient likes it; it was requested by her grandmother who'd seen another one I'd made recently so I kept the design similar but used different papers and sentiment.

Card Recipe:

I've been inspired by:
Happy crafting


  1. What a fabulous image, beautifully coloured and the curvy edges just show it off nicely.

  2. It's a gorgeous card and I love your colouring...x

  3. Love it!! Great image and of course fabulous colouring. Brilliant card. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  4. Super focal image Annette and your use of colour. I'm not sure I could chose a favourite between pearls and gems, but your choice work perfectly on your card. Thank you for joining in with the Anything Goes Blog Challenge over at That's Crafty. Best Wishes Tracey.

  5. Wonderful card Annette, I absolutely love that image and it is perfect for any pony mad little (or not so little) girl :)
    Hugs, Kaz xx

  6. Awwww what an adorable image Annette... and with your super-gorgeous colouring, I'm sure the recipient will love it!

    Have a lovely weekend...
    Christine x

  7. I must get this image, she's fab... great design and colouring, a lovely card :o) Hugs, Lisa x

  8. I just love this LOTV image - should be the heading on my post!!!
    sandy xx


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