
Thursday 26 April 2018


I've always loved tigers. They're beautiful, graceful solitary creatures who unlike most cats, actually love water!  Unfortunately many are endangered and some subspecies are already extinct.  I remember writing a whole scrapbook project on them when I was at school and I've loved them ever since I can remember.  I'm pretty sure that I still have that scrapbook somewhere. I may have to dig it out and read it again! 

So why am I telling you this? Well today is the start of a new challenge at As You Like It where we want to know your favourite animal.  I've been a little bit creative with the choice of image for my card, because I've opted for a mini-tigger in the form of a ginger kitty.  I do actually have my own mini-tigger called Arnie who is currently curled up on the chair next to me snoring. He's quite old now (we think about 17 or 18) and (selectively) deaf, but he's still my 'baby boy'.  He used to go out, but we have to keep him inside because he got into the habit of walking up and down the middle of the road rather than using the pavements (clearly not applying his Green-Cross-Code) and he can't hear the cars beeping their horns.  

My neighbour told me once that she saw Arnie walking down the center of the road at his own pace with a bus crawling along following.  The bus driver eventually stopped, got out and picked up Arnie to plonk him onto the pavement before driving round him, but this was a common occurrence.  Understandably some drivers did not think him so amusing so we have to keep him in for his own protection. It has its merits because he's turned into a real lap cat now and barely leaves my side/lap when I'm home which I love!  

When he was allowed out, he used to sit on the gatepost waiting for me to come home in the evenings. I'm not sure how long he spent out there, but a local photographer put some photos of our street on the web and there was a pic of Arnie on his gatepost looking a bit peeved at having his photograph taken!

Anyway, if you're still with me, apologies for my drivel today.  Here's my card!  The ribbon is far more 'Cadbury' than the blue hue that's showing in my photo. It's even called 'Chocolate Purple'!  I just can't get the colour to appear as it does in real life in the picture, so you'll have to take my word for it!

Water-coloured on Langton Watercolour paper with Ranger Distress Ink Reinkers:
  • Fur: Antique Linen, Tea Dye, Vintage Photo
  • Ribbon: Twisted Citron, Mowed Lawn, Peeled Paint, Forest Moss
  • Present: Milled Lavender, Dusty Concord
  • Sky: Tumbled Glass
  • Ground: Old paper, Peeled Paint, Forest Moss
Card Recipe:
I've been inspired by:
Happy crafting


  1. Gorgeous card and lovely story about Arnie and his walks in the middle of the road

  2. A beautiful card, love the shape. Elaine

  3. I loved reading about the adventures of Arnie ( there's a book there Annette!!). It is such a worry when your pets lose their hearing. Suzy had a stroke and was left deaf but she learned sign language!! The yard cat, No, is also deaf which isn't helpful when she wanders in front of the horses, they do avoid her though, luckily for her!! Anyway...your fantastic as usual and you have really done a terrific job of the fur xx

  4. A brilliant adventure story to read!! Love the adorable image and a gorgeous design. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  5. Delightfully adorable kitten card! I love how you used an unusual shape for the card. Thanks so much for sharing your awesome make with us for our Flower Power challenge at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge! hugs, Maura

  6. Cute story about the bus driver and your Arnie. LOVE the way you've coloured your marmalade cat. Utterly adorable Annette. Tigers ARE beautiful, my kiddos are entranced by them when we visit the Zoo. It worries me how many animals are now extinct and we humans are in large part to blame! LOVE your Cadbury bow, it's beautiful even if not quite the right shade is depicted. Gorgeous creation hun. Hugs, Wends xoxo


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