
Sunday 16 August 2020

Set of 4 James the Bear

I've got another matching set of James the Bear Christmas cards, but this time there are 4, although they're fairly similar to each other.  

I've cut a circle shaped card-base, added some scalloped matting panels for the image and popped on a die cut sentiment and poinsettia to keep the decoration fairly minimal.  

The sentiment is actually straight, but I snipped v-shaped notches into the strip that the letters are attached to so that the curve lay flat.

Water-coloured on Langton Watercolour paper with Ranger Distress Ink Reinkers:

  • Fur: Antique Linen, Brushed Corduroy, Vintage Photo
  • Greens: Twisted Citron, Mowed Lawn, Peeled Paint
  • Yellows: Scattered Straw, Wild Honey, Rusty Hinge
  • Reds: Abandoned Coral, Barn Door, Aged Mahogany
  • Greys: Pumice Stone, Hickory Smoke, Black Soot

Card Recipe:

Happy crafting


  1. Those are ALL so gorgeous Annette. LOVE James for Christmas, super cute! Beautiful circular designs too. A truly beautiful set. Hugs, Wends xoxo

  2. These are so lovely. James is a real cutie and I always love a pretty circle card.


  3. I love these circular James Bear cards but have never tried a circular one.
    Could you tell me what size they are please and do they stand up ok.

    thank you


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