
Thursday 19 November 2020

March of the Penguins

I have a real soft spot for penguins (from Pingu to Happy Feet to March of the Penguin), so these are the critters who I've chosen to feature on today's card.  

We had a fantastic penguin coastal zoo located about a mile from where we live.  My husband and I had an annual membership and I loved going there to visit the little waddlers when we walked down to the harbourside, but unfortunately the zoo was a casualty of this summer's lockdown and sadly they have closed permanently.  I've read in the local rag today that 12 of them have been moved to Wales, but I don't know what's happened to the rest. I really hope they've been rehomed.

Here's a picture of what it was like before it closed.  The penguins had right-of-way over the visitors, who had to wait if the penguins decided they wanted to go to another area of their enclosure.  I was really sad when it was announced they were closing.  There were other birds and sealife there, including some adorable otters.

Water-coloured on Langton Watercolour paper with Ranger Distress Ink Reinkers:
  • Penguins: Hickory Smoke, Black Soot, Wild Honey, Rusty Hinge
  • Purples: Milled Lavender, Dusty Concord, Wilted Violet

Card Recipe:

I've been inspired by:
Happy crafting


  1. This is a super line up of penguins. It's a shame that so many venues are closing, they will be sadly missed. Elaine

  2. Gorgeous card with fabulous colouring. Would have loved to visit this zoo, such a shame it’s been a casualty of the pandemic.

  3. I just knew that you would choose the pingus and what a fantastic card it is too. How sad that the penguin zoo was forced to close, so many rescue centres and sanctuaries have suffered so badly as a result of Covid. Sad times xx

  4. Love the lilac with the penguins


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