
Thursday 15 July 2021

Baby Gro Card is Bang on the Mark

At As You Like It Challenge today we're asking to see your favourite non-standard shaped cardbase. Recently I've tried to use my Silhouette more and have tried making some cardbase shapes to match my image themes. I've used this babygro shape before and it's one of my favourites because it works so well for any baby themed image.  I think shaped cards really make it look like you've made more of an effort for a special occasion and hopefully make a memorable keep-sake for the recipient.

Water-coloured on Langton Watercolour paper with Ranger Distress Ink Reinkers:

  • Skin: Tattered Rose, Tea Dye, Worn Lipstick
  • Green: Twisted Citron, Mowed Lawn, Peeled Paint
  • Blues: Stormy Sky, Faded Jeans
  • Reds: Candied Apple, Barn Door, Aged Mahogany

Card Recipe:

I've been inspired by:
Happy crafting


  1. Yep, that's a really fabulous shape Annette and I love the frilly legs!! Gorgeous card for a baby boy xx

  2. A brilliant shape for a baby card. I love it. Elaine


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