
Saturday 15 February 2020

Crochet Kitty

I've recently become 'hooked' on crochet and although I've only made a couple of things so far, I wanted to try some Amigurumi for Valentines day.  I found the pattern for this kitty online and decided to give him a try.  

I'm hopeless at embroidering the features so I opted for a plastic safety nose but I managed to add the whiskers and mouth with some black thread. 

He is only about 20cm tall, but he took a whole afternoon to make and some bits were really fiddly, like his paws, the base of his tail and those dinky ears.

I was pleased with how he turned out and am itching to try something else now. 

Happy crafting


  1. My word Annette, what a fabulous cat, so neat and beautifully finished off. I struggle with stitching features too {they always end up looking sinister) so your eyes and nose look fabulous, as do the whiskers and mouth that you did stitch. Hope Torquay managed to avoid too much damage this time xx


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