

This page lists links to some of my tutorials.  
Click on the header to be taken straight to the tutorial post.  


This is just a short note for Mary who's asked me a question about my sentiments.  She asked "Can you tell me how you keep the writing at the bottom facing the right way?"

I use Microsoft Word to create my sentiments.  I insert a 'Word Art Object' to create my text.  Then in the Drawings Tools Format menu I amend the Text Effect (that's the little 'A' with the drop down box on the ribbon highlighted below).

I then select Transform, and finally from the list of options I select Arch Down.

I hope this picture helps you honey, but feel free to email me if you have any questions.


  1. You have the most beautiful
    Thank you for sharing.
    Gail B

  2. Thank you for sharing your work and inspiration xx

  3. Hi Annette,

    I stumbled across your Freebies today from a lady who made one of your clocks and posted it on my World Wide Open Design Team Challenge.
    She popped your link on her blog and I hopped over and had a look.
    I want to thank you so much for sharing.
    I have also posted your Link on Meet at the Scrappers Corner Facebook Group for its members.
    So I dare say you will get quite a few visits.
    Would love you to join our group if you are not already a member:-
    and if you would like to check out the World Wide Open DT challenge here is the Link too:

  4. thank you so much for sharing your work and techniques

  5. thankyou so much for sharing with us

  6. Great source of ideas and inspiration - thank you for sharing.

    I tried to follow your instructions to create a circle sentiment and failed miserably :(

    Is there any chance you could make one to say "Just a note" please??????
    or give idiot instructions for the less talented??



I'd be delighted if you would leave a message to let me know you've been here. Please read my "Policies" page when commenting or otherwise leaving a link to your own profile ... Annette xx