
Tuesday 31 December 2019

Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020.

I read earlier today something that shocked me when I stopped to think about it: 
1990 was 3 decades ago! 

Time seems to move so quickly and becomes so scarce. I can remember where I was in 1990 and it certainly doesn't feel like it was 3 decades ago!  

There are projects that I wanted to achieve during the past year that have fallen by the wayside, but there have also been other new ventures that I didn't have planned. 

As 2020 is only one more sleep away, here I am having my usual annual stumble through the past 12 months.  Thank you if you've stayed with me this year. I seem to be getting fewer visitors and even fewer comments on my blog, and I'm not a huge fan of Facebook, although I have tried to keep my Instagram diary mirroring my blog. 

I appreciate that it's more convenient for you to click a 'like' button than it is to type out a comment and I also acknowledge that I've been writing less myself for the same reason. If you do leave a comment, please know that I really do appreciate it because I know that it takes more of your own previous time.

Anyhoo, brace yourself for a photo-laden finale to 2019. I've selected my favourite card from each month and if you last until the end of this post then I'll share an extra little insight into my new hobby. 

In the meantime, I wish you all a happy, healthy and creative 2020. 

I had 3 cards featured in Making Cards magazine this month, with a tutorial on Sunsets and Moonscapes. This was my first card and I loved the warm colours in the coldest month!

I was so excited to join the Design Team at Lee Holland and this was my first card. Unfortunately my excitement was short lived because the team was disbanded when Lee cut back his store's promotions.

I love the Stuffies from Stamping Bella and these Honeybears in particular.  I think they remind me of Winnie the Pooh, my favourite Honey Bear!

I spent a long time colouring this card for a friend, but the card was unfortunately lost in the post and never reached her. For this reason I'm giving it another outing here so it's not lost entirely.

I really loved this card-stand die, especially with this Crealies XXL stitched circle propped on it. 
I made this clock for a colleague who had a baby boy and it reminded me how much I like making non-card projects too. She wanted a jungle theme for her son so the Lee Holland giraffe and ellie seemed ideal.

Shaped cards are another thing I like to make and I'd been wanting to use this cute giraffe from LOTV for ages. It seemed the perfect opportunity to combine the two into a babygro card.

Bunnies are one of my favourite critters and LOTV make some of the cutest!

I really liked the moonlit background for these robins. 
The card was really easy to colour too so it became a favourite because I liked the effect.

In a break from my CAS cards, October's selection is fully loaded.
A wedding card is always a great excuse for extra embellishments!

While getting in full swing ready for Christmas I tried a lighter touch with my paintbrush and I liked the way she turned out.

Finishing off the year with one of my favourite images, another from the Stuffie clan!

So if you've stayed for the duration, I threatened you with news of a new hobby. I was coerced by my bestest pal (and partner-in-craft) to try crochet during the summer.  After starting with a scarf and some fingerless gloves I optimistically decided to dive straight into something a little more adventurous and made a mini-stocking advent calendar bunting for her.  While she might get me into a lot of crafting trouble, I do happen to think she's worth it! (Love you sweetie!)

Here's a close-up of one of the mini-stockings.
They were each filled with a Lindt chocolate ball.

That's all Folks.
Happy crafting, and Happy New Year! 
See you on the other side.


  1. All your cards are gorgeous Annette, and the crochet stocking advent looks amazing.
    Wishing you a very happy, healthy and crafty 2020
    Lorraine x

  2. Hi Netty,

    So nice to see your year in truly wonderful cards with amazing colouring. I do admire and get inspiration from them, commenting is something else..😫sorry for that! Here also just my blog, no FB or anything else but like you say yourself..time consuming but so much better then a quick 👍.
    Best wishes for 2020!
    XxIrene or like!

  3. All so adorable. Love the little stockings and what's inside. Have a good New Year. Elaine

  4. Each card a little masterpiece Annette! I LOVED your gorgeous moonscape spread in Making Cards hun, they were all stunning! Heartbreaking to have such a stunning card lost in the post! I've had one go astray too. Extra heart breaking when its hand made!! The crochet stockings are amazing!! What a lot of work!! Wishing you a magical, fabulous 2020 filled with happiness, health and success. Big hugs, Wends xoxo

  5. All your works are always so sweet and LOVE them all! I haven't always time for commenting, but love watching your artworks here on the blog, because I'm not on social media. So thanks for being here :)
    Happy New Year!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Fabulous look back at the cards you made during 2019. I personally love seeing your cards/creations. Visiting crafty blogs has helped me over a very difficult 18 months, but I'm guilty of not commenting regularly - something I aim to correct in 2020! The crochet advent stocking looks amazing. Wishing you all the best for the New Year and look forward to seeing all your creations in 2020.

  8. loving seeing your cards :) Happy New Year to you and your followers :)

  9. Lovely to see this review, gorgeous cards! Love your crochet work too, I am planning to make something very similar with die cut felt

  10. You may be interested to read my reflective post yesterday on the changes in blogging. Generally people are visiting and commenting less but I would like to encourage more commenting. So lets all try to do more this year. Gorgeous cards and fab crocheting. It seems many of us are enjoying more crafty hobbies, crocheting isn’t for me but I am loving cross stitching again. Happy new year x

  11. What a brilliant selection Annette, each and every one is beautiful!! Oh no, you do realize that crochet is even more addictive than papercrafting don't you!! My yarn supplies are rivalling my mahoosive paper stash!! What a fabulous job you made of the advent stockings. I expect you have already found her but, if not, take a look at Attic 24 and another favourite of mine is Happy Berry. Happy hooky new year!! xx

  12. Happy New Year!
    all are so pretty!

  13. Love all your "faves" Annette... but then I love all your cards :-)
    I too am getting less comments on my Blog, and am saddened to see so many blogs disappear, rolling into Facebook land... and I just can't get on with Facebook - it's so "messy", or something, or is that just me? lol.Long may us Bloggers live on, I say
    I can't believe how ambitious you went with your new hobby! I've never learned to crotchet, my Mum made a blankie each for all her grandchildren, and then their children known as their "Nanna Blankets" - when she died each recipient laid their bliankie on her coffin instead of a flower - it was so moving to see so much hand made love so appreciated:-) My niece has since had a baby, the only one with no blankie... I think I MUST learn so I can make her a "Nanna Blanket" for her bub - if you can make a bunch of stockings I'm sure I can make a blankie, lol
    Anyways, hope you have a lovely New Year, and we get to keep enjoying your lovely makes, Donna xx


I'd be delighted if you would leave a message to let me know you've been here. Please read my "Policies" page when commenting or otherwise leaving a link to your own profile ... Annette xx