
Thursday 31 December 2020

Farewell to 'the year that shall not be named'

In many ways, the less said about 2020, the better.  At the risk of wishing our lives away, it's a year many of us are glad to see the back of, and 2021 is bringing a new year with fresh hope.

Despite all the extra time spent at home, I seemed to have been less productive and more procrastinated.

As we wave goodbye to 'the year which must not be named' here I am having my usual annual stumble through the past 12 months of crafting. 

My sincere thanks to those who've crafted with me this year.  Again I've noticed falling comments, so for those of you who do leave a short note, I am always grateful and I read everyone one. 

So, brace yourself for a photo-laden farewell to 2020.  As usual, I've selected my favourite creation from each month. 

In the meantime, I wish you all a happy, healthy and creative 2021. 

Despite not being a fan of yellow, this bright springtime card for my Auntie was one of my faves.

A simple card for my Valentine!

Unfortunately the intended recipient of this card had to delay her retirement plans due to the events of 2020, but hopefully will get to enjoy her well-earned retirement this year instead.

This is one of my favourite Lee Holland images.

Sticking with the giraffe theme, this cutie was one of my fave crocheted creations of the year.  I'm hoping to do a bit more crochet next year.

I really love making these oversized tags for special gifts.

I've never really used stencils much, but actually really liked how this card turned out when I dabbled with a new stencil in July.

My favourite bear. I loved how he turned out on this card.

I made a couple of journals this year for my longest standing crafting buddies. They took quite a bit of thinking and time to plan out (oh, the irony!!!) and this is the front of one of them.

Sometimes I am in a clean and simple mood .......

.... and sometimes I'm in full and fussy mode ...

... and sometimes I decide to just make life difficult for myself with a fancy fold too!

That's all Folks.
Happy crafting, and Happy New Year! 
Let's hope 2021 is an improvement on its predecessor.


  1. A fabulous collection of gorgeous projects, Annette! You should be very proud of yourself. Happy New (and much better) Year to you and yours.

    Jennifer. xx

  2. You have made such fabulous creations throughout the year I have no idea how you managed to narrow it down to juat 12!

  3. A beautiful snapshot of your year. Happy New Year. Elaine x

  4. Another year of fabulous creations. Looking forward to seeing what you make during 2021.

  5. Your creations are so beautiful, I always enjoy seeing what you have made. Best wishes for 2021.

  6. A lovelyreminder of your crafty year Annette. Here's looking forward to seeing what you get up to in 2021 xx

  7. Amazing collection from a very talented friend! So happy to be one of the lucky persons with a planner!! -xxx-


I'd be delighted if you would leave a message to let me know you've been here. Please read my "Policies" page when commenting or otherwise leaving a link to your own profile ... Annette xx