Thursday 13 June 2024

Flower Bear

I'm often guilty of leaving out a sentiment on my cards, but I actually do prefer it when I remember to include one, even if it's a simple 'happy birthday'.  

Designed for:
As You Like It Challenge

Water-coloured on Ecoline Watercolour Card with Ranger Distress Ink Reinkers:
  • Fur: Antique Linen, Brushed Corduroy, Vintage Photo, Gathered Twigs, Tea Dye
  • Grass: Twisted Citron, Mowed Lawn, Rustic Wilderness, Peeled Paint, Forest Moss
  • Yellows: Scattered Straw, Wild Honey, Rusty Hinge
Card Recipe:
I've been inspired by:
Happy crafting



Sarah said...

So adorable and I love the fresh colours xx

Elaine Stark said...

I love your vibrant colours, so cute. Elaine